NLE Choppa in Prague is a Cashless Event 1


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Vždy se snažíme zlepšovat váš festivalový zážitek, abyste mohli trávit méně času ve frontách na barech a víc si užívat muziku.

Proto vás bezhotovostní platby nadchnou. Nebudete muset čekat, ať už si zajdete na bar nebo do stánku s merchem, všechny služby dostanete obratem.

Cashless systém navíc zajišťuje zvýšenou bezpečnost.

> Kliknutím sem zobrazíte úplné znění Podmínek pro používání cashless systému v v této události.


  • Po příchodu na akce bude vaše vstupenka vyměněná za náramek, který musíte mít po celou dobu akce na sobě.
  • Váš náramek bude sloužit jako vaše vstupenka a „digitální peněženka“ v prostorách.

Náramek NESMÍTE sundávat, jinak vaše vstupenka pozbude platnost

  • Během akce můžete náramek dobít na našich TOP-UP stanicích. TOP-UP stanice budou akceptovat hotovost i karty.

VŠECHNY DRINKY, JÍDLO I MERCHANDISE, zakoupené na této události, bude možné zaplatit pouze použitím RFID cashless náramku.


  • Rychlejší odbavení fronty zkracuje čas, který strávíte čekáním na baru. Karetní operace vyžadují stabilní internetové připojení, což je na festivalu často problém a také důvod, proč terminály selhávají. RFID může pracovat jak v online, tak i v offline režimu
  • Méně starostí – nemusíte pořád hledat peníze, když je čas platit.
  • Bezpečnější způsob platby – časy, kdy jste si vybrali tisíce korun, abyste je pak na party ztratili, už jsou naštěstí pryč. Díky RFID už žádnou hotovost neztratíte.

Všechny TOP-UP stanice budou přijímat karty.


Za náramek budeme účtovat 40 Kč, které budou odečteny z vašeho prvního dobití. – to bude jediný dodatečný poplatek.


Záleží jen na vás. Abychom udrželi naše ceny na akci nízké, žádáme vás o první dobití minimálně 400 Kč. Vaše další navýšení může být v libovolné výši.

Doporučujeme však nabít nejméně 1,000 Kč. Tato částka by měla zajistit, že nebudete muset často chodit na dobíjecí místo a budete mít naopak více času na to si užít party.


Můžete se zeptat kteréhokoli prodejce, nebo pracovníka dobíjecí stanice. Ten naskenuje váš náramek a zjistí, kolik peněz vám zbývá.

Rovněž se můžete registrovat a přihlásit do svého profilu na cashless online portálu a zkontrolovat si svůj zůstatek tam. *

Registrujte se a vytvořte si svůj účet zde:

*Může docházet k malému opoždění mezi vaším nákupem/dobitím kreditu, než se změna projeví na našem portále. 


Přehled všech transakcí uvidíte po registraci svého náramku na cashless online portále

*Může docházet k malému opoždění mezi vaším nákupem/dobitím kreditu, než se změna projeví na našem portále. 


Jestli máte svůj náramek registrovaný na cashless online portále, můžete náramek označit jako ztracený a váš kredit zůstane nedotčený. Po označení náramku stačí zajít do dobíjecí stanice, kde vám vydají nový náramek s vaším kreditem.

Jestli náramek nemáte registrovaný, zajděte do dobíjecí stanice, kde vám vydají nový náramek.

Důležité upozornění:

  • Zůstatkový kredit na náramku bude obnoven jenom v případě, že se nám podaří ověřit, že jste legitimní majitel daného náramku.
  • Neneseme žádnou odpovědnost za zneužití ztracených náramků nebo propadnutí kreditu po ztrátě náramku.
  • Za výměnu náramku vám bude účtován poplatek 50 Kč.

Registrujte se a vytvořte si svůj účet zde:

*Může docházet k malému opoždění mezi vaším nákupem/dobitím kreditu, než se změna projeví na našem portále. 


Samozřejmě, peníze vám budou vráceny. Přečtěte si prosím informace o refundace v další části.


Ujistěte se, že svůj náramek po akci donesete domů. Pak navštivte stránky cashless portal mezi sobotu 6.5.2023 7:00h a patek 12.5.2023 23:59h, a požádejte o refundaci zbylých prostředků na vašem náramku. 

Cashless online portál naleznete zde:

  • Vytvořte si svůj účet. Potřebujeme vaše skutečné osobní údaje, abychom mohli odeslat peníze zpátky.
  • Ověřte svůj účet vyplněním kódu na náramku. Kód naleznete na zadní straně náramku na jeho chipu.
  • Vložte své bankovní údaje a dostanete své finanční prostředky zpět přímo na svůj účet.

*U všech žádostí o refundaci bude účtován procesní a bankovní poplatek 10 Kč. 

Refundace zbylých prostředků z vašeho náramku bude vyřízena v průběhu 7 pracovních dnů od uzavření přijímaní žádostí o refundaci. Proces se může prodloužit, pokud jste omylem uvedli nesprávné údaje. Berte prosím na vědomí, že některé bankovní transakce se můžou na vašem účtu projevit i jeden týden poté, co je zadáme.

Můžu dostat peníze zpět během akce?

Bohužel ne. Proces refundace je možný jenom prostřednictvím:

Můj bankovní účet nemá IBAN nebo BIC/SWIFT kód.

Všechny bankovní účty v Evropě a také v mnoha dalších zemích mají IBAN i BIC/SWIFT kód. Někdy však musíte požádat banku, aby vám sdělila tyto údaje k vašemu účtu.

Jestli váš bankovní účet není v Evropě, prosím, napište na náš support:

Co dělat, když nedostanu refundaci?

V případě, že jste udělali chybu ve svých údajích, spojíme se s vámi. Pokud jsme se vám neozvali, znamená to, že refundace proběhla v pořádku a musíte ještě chvíli vydržet. 

Jak naložíte s mými osobními údaji?

Pravidla zpracování údajů naleznete  zde

NLE Choppa in Prague is a Cashless Event 1

NLE Choppa in Prague is a Cashless Event

Česká verze zde

We’re always improving your festival experience so you can spend less time queuing at the bar, and more time enjoying the music.

Going cashless will ensure speed of service, increased security and ease of transactions at the many bars, food outlets and vendor stalls.

In addition, the cashless system ensures increased safety.

> Click here for the full text of the Terms and Conditions for use of the Cashless System in the event.

How does it work?

  • When you arrive at the festival, your ticket will be swapped for a wristband which must remain on your wrist for the duration of the event.
  •  Your wristband will act as your entry ticket and your ‘digital wallet’ within the event grounds.

You MUST NOT remove the wristband or your ticket will become void.

  • During the event, you can load money onto your wristband at our Topup Stations.  The Top-up Stations will accept Cash and Cards. 

The online portal is located at

*There might be a delay between your online top-ups and the time when it reflects in your wristband. 

All food, drinks and merchandise purchased at this event need to be paid for using your RFID wristband.

Why are we going Cashless?

  • Faster queues cut down your waiting time for food, drinks and merchandise.
  • Uninterrupted bar service – card payments at the bar need access to the internet (which often overloads at events), while RFID will work online/offline.
  • Less hassle – Don’t look for money every time you want to pay
  • Safer way to pay  – Gone are the days of withdrawing loads of cash, only to lose it on the party. RFID = no lost cash. 

All top up stations will accept cards.

Is there any cost to me?

There is a 40Kc cost for your wristband that will be automatically deducted from your first topup. 

How much should I top-up on my wristband?

In order to keep prices low we have set a 400Kc minimum on your first Topup.  Your next topups can be on any amount.

We recommend you to Topup at least 1,000 Kc per person, this would guarantee you less trips to the topup stations and more time to enjoy the event.

How do I know how much I have left on my Wristband?

You can ask any vendor or top-up staff member to scan your wristband to see how much credit you have remaining .

You can also register and log in to our online portal, and check your balance there*.

The online portal is located at

*There might be a delay between your purchases or top-ups and the time when it reflects in the portal. 

How can I see my purchase history?

You can see your history of transactions once you register your wristband on our online portal.

The online portal is located at

*There might be a delay between your purchases or top-ups and the time when it reflects in the portal. 

Did you lose or accidentally destroy your wristband?

If you registered your wristband on the Online portal, you could mark your wristband as lost and your credit will be safe, once you have done that find our Attendee Support at the Top-up Station to get a new wristband. 

If you didn’t register your wristband on the Online Portal, find our Attendee Support at the Top-up Station and we will issue you a new wristband.


  • Any credit left on your wristband will be restored only after we verify  you are the legitimate owner of the wristband.
  • We are not responsible for the misuse of lost wristbands or credit loss while the wristband was lost. 

Register your wristband on our online portal at

*There might be a delay between the portal and the devices. 

What happens if I dont spend all the money in my wristband? Can I get a refund?

Yes.  Find all the info in the next section. 


How do I get a refund?

Make sure you hold onto your wristband after the event and head to the ONLINE PORTAL between Saturday 6th of May at 7:00 and until Friday 12th May 2023 at 23:59 to claim a refund for any unused credits left in your wristband. 

Find the Event Portal here:

  • Create an account. We need your real personal information in order to be able to submit a refund. 
  • Validate your account by typing your wristband code. You can find the wristband code at the back of your wristband chip.
  • Enter your Bank Details and receive a refund directly to your bank account.

*A processing & banking fee of 10 CZK will be applied to all the eligible refund requests. 

Refunds for any unused balance on your wristband will be submitted back to your account within 7 working days from your refund request, unless there is an error in the details you provide which will delay the process.  Please keep in mind that it can take up to 1 week for the bank transfer to to appear back in your account after we submit it. 

Can I get a cash refund DURING the event?

No. The refund process will be ONLY through

My bank account does not have an IBAN or SWIFT CODE.

All the bank accounts in Europe and even some other countries have it, although sometimes you might need to reach out to your bank to get it.  If your account does not have an IBAN, please reach out to

What if I don’t receive my refund? 

In case there is an error in your information, we will get in touch with you.  If we haven’t reached out to you, it means your refund went through successfully and you just need to wait a bit more.  

What are you doing with my information?

Find the Privacy Policy for Attendees here

CLICK TO OPEN + Terms and Conditions for use of the Cashless System in Terms and Conditions for use of the Cashless System in this event.


  1. These Terms and Conditions will be applied to Mocnoc Group’s event taking place on 5 May 2023 (hereafter known as “the Event”). Mocnoc Group s.r.o. (hereafter known as “we” or “our”), a registered company in Budečská 1168/40, Vinohrady, 120 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic. In these Terms and Conditions references to “you” and “your” means any person who has purchased a ticket to attend the Event.  
  2. “this event” will be cashless events. 
  3. When you arrive at the Event, your ticket will be swapped for a wristband which must remain on Your wrist for the duration of the event as this will ensure You can access all areas within the Event. There will be no extra cost for the wristband. 
  4. You MUST NOT remove the wristband or your ticket will become void.You may not tamper with Your wristband. If we reasonably believe you have tampered with Your wristband, we reserve the right to disable Your wristband and/or reject You from the Event.
  5. Your wristband will act as your ‘digital wallet’ within the Event grounds. You will only be able to pay for goods and services (including but not limited to food, beverages and merchandise) at the Event site using Your wristband (and not using cash).

We recommend that You register Your wristband on our online portal at https:// *Please note: There might be a delay between Your portal and the synchronization to the devices. 

  1. During the event, You can load money onto Your wristband at one of our top up stations. The Top-up Station will accept Cash and Cards.
  2. You can also load money on Your wristband using Your mobile phone in our Cashless Portal. The Cashless Portal will be available before and during the Event. The online Cashless Portal accepts all debit and credit cards. 
  3. In order to check the balance on Your wristband, You can ask any vendor or top-up staff member to scan your wristband to see how much credit you have remaining, or You can find the “Balance Check Stations” next to the bars on the Event site. You can also register and log in to our online portal, and check your balance there.

Sign-up for an account here: https://

*Please note: There might be a delay between Your purchases or top-ups and the time when it reflects in our portal. 

  1. You can see your history of transactions once You register Your wristband on our online portal at https://

*Please note: There might be a delay between Your purchases or top-ups and the time when it reflects in the portal. 

  1. In the event You accidentally destroy or lose Your wristband, if you registered your wristband on the Cashless portal, You can mark Your wristband as lost and Your credit will be safe. Once you have done this, please find our Attendee Support at the Top-up Station to get a new wristband.

If You didn’t register Your wristband on the Online Portal, please find our Attendee Support at the Top-up Station and we will issue You with a new wristband.

  1. In the event You accidentally destroy or lose Your wristband, please note the following:
  • Any credit left on Your wristband will be restored only after we verify  You are the legitimate owner of the wristband.
  • We are not responsible for the misuse of lost wristbands or credit loss while the wristband was lost. 

12.You are entitled to a refund of cash loaded onto Your wristband if you do not get the opportunity to spend it all during the Event. There is a minimum balance of 100 CZK needed on your card to make you eligible for a refund. You are not entitled to any form of refund (cash or card) during the Event. You will receive a refund directly to your bank account in your bank account home currency and the exchange rates will be automatically applied by our banking partner (subject to change in our sole discretion). 

  1. In order to claim Your refund online, You must make sure You hold onto Your wristband after the Event and head to the https:// portal between Sunday 13.11.2022 and Sunday 19.11.2022 to claim a refund for any unused credits left on Your wristband. 

Find the Event Portal here:  https:// and follow the instructions set out below.

  • Create an account. You will need to provide the following information in order to be able to submit a refund: Name, Email and Date of birth are needed for creating an account. A Valid Ticket Number or wristband code is needed to access the portal. Your IBAN and BIC are needed to request a refund.
  • You will then need to validate Your account by typing your ticket number or Your wristband code. You can find the wristband code at the back of Your wristband chip. 
  • Please then enter Your bank details and receive a refund directly to Your bank account.
  • Eligible refunds will be submitted back to Your account within 7 working days after the portal closes, unless there is an error in the details You provide which will delay the process.  Please keep in mind that it can take up to 1 week for the bank transfer to appear back in Your account after we submit it.
  • In case there is an error in Your information, we will get in touch with You.  If we haven’t reached out to You, it means your refund went through successfully and it is being processed.
  1. Neither we, nor Tixify, are party to any contract between you and a vendor at the Event and neither we nor Tixify shall be liable for, or in connection with, any goods or services provided or not provided by any such vendor.
  2. Neither we nor Tixify accept any liability for any loss or damage which is caused to You or any third party as a result of a wristband which is lost or stolen or used without permission.
  3. You shall at all times remain responsible for the use of Your wristband and the activity on Your online account, whether or not the activity was authorised by You.
  4. Any personal data which You provide to us from time to time in connection with Your wristband may be used by us and our partners, including, without limitation, Tixify and/or our payment service provider:

(i) to administer Your wristband account, process transactions, provide you with the assistance and services you request;

(ii) to carry out our obligations arising from any contracts entered into between you and us; and

(iii) to notify You about changes to our service, Website and/or the Event.

For more information on the way we use your personal information read the Privacy Policy:

  1. Without prejudice to any of our other rights, we may (without giving You prior notice) terminate our agreement with You, cancel or suspend your wristband or online account, or refuse a transaction, if we or Tixify has reason to believe that the wristband or online account is being used fraudulently, illegally, or in breach of these Conditions. In these circumstances we may refund any unused credit on Your wristband account at our discretion, provided that we act reasonably.
  2. In addition to the terms above, you are also bound by the Tixify’s Terms of Service for Users of the Tixify RFID Services